Mix Down

If you want to use your Motion Mixed sequences on multiple characters you can perform a Mixdown. A Mixdown is used to convert all the motions in the Motion Mixer into a single animation and save it as a .bip file. Right-Click on the name of your character (Ex: CMan0024-Bip) and choose Compute Mixdown from […]

Motion Mixer Mode

Motion Mixer will allow you to combine multiple sets of MOCAP files to create longer sequences with varied motions and blend them together similarly to a video editing programme. Select a character bone, click on Motion and then on the Mixer mode icon in the Biped rollout menu. Press the Mixer button in the Biped […]

Motion Flow Mode

With Motion Flow you can create a network of multiple .bip clips to create completely new animated sequences. Select a character bone, go to Motion and click on the Motion Flow Mode icon in the Biped rollout menu. 2. On the Motion Flow rollout menu click on the Show Graph icon . The Motion Flow […]

Using Mocap Data

The easiest way to animate a Metropoly 3d character is using Motion Capture clips. MOCAP provides an accurate digital representation of natural human movements, allows you to save time and to achieve professional animation results. Open a character (See Chapter 1 ) and select any bone. Click on “Motion” and then on the “Load file” icon […]