Character Specification

The Standard Actor Rig

The rig used by Anima has a total of 67 bones as shown in the sections below. For convenience we’ve broken this description down into body parts so you can see clearly the bones used and the naming conventions.

Anima supports four naming conventions for bones including those used by our Metropoly rigged characters, Biped, and Mixamo rigs. If these are used, then import is much simpler because the character can be automatically mapped to Anima’s internal rig. If you use different naming conventions an interface will appear when you import a character asking you to manually map your rig to Anima’s internal skeleton. The names shown in the images below are the suffixes used by biped. Below this is a table showing the equivalent Metropoly versions: please feel free to put additional naming elements before these labels.

Starting from the feet and moving up the body, the bone structure is as follows:

Legs and Feet

Biped Metropoly
 R Toe0Nub  RightToeBaseNub
 L Toe0Nub  LeftToeBaseNub
 R Toe0  RightToeBase
 L Toe0  LeftToeBase
 R Foot  RightFoot
 L Foot  LeftFoot
 R Calf  RightLeg
 L Calf  LeftLeg
 R Thigh  RightUpLeg
 L Thigh  LeftUpLeg
Hips, Spine, Head and Neck

Biped Metropoly
[root] Hips
Pelvis Spine
Spine Spine1
Spine1 Spine2
Spine2 Spine3
Spine3 Spine4
Neck Neck
Head Head
HeadNub HeadNub


Left Hand Right Hand
Biped Metropoly Biped Metropoly
L Hand LeftHand R Hand RightHand
L Finger0 LeftHandThumb1 R Finger0 RightHandThumb1
L Finger01 LeftHandThumb2 R Finger01 RightHandThumb2
L Finger02 LeftHandThumb3 R Finger02 RightHandThumb3
L Finger0Nub LeftHandThumbNub R Finger0Nub RightHandThumbNub
L Finger1 LeftHandIndex1 R Finger1 RightHandIndex1
L Finger12 LeftHandIndex2 R Finger12 RightHandIndex2
L Finger11 LeftHandIndex3 R Finger11 RightHandIndex3
L Finger1Nub LeftHandIndexNub R Finger1Nub RightHandIndexNub
L Finger2 LeftHandMiddle1 R Finger2 RightHandMiddle1
L Finger21 LeftHandMiddle2 R Finger21 RightHandMiddle2
L Finger22 LeftHandMiddle3 R Finger22 RightHandMiddle3
L Finger2Nub LeftHandMiddleNub R Finger2Nub RightHandMiddleNub
L Finger31 LeftHandRing1 R Finger31 RightHandRing1
L Finger3 LeftHandRing2 R Finger3 RightHandRing2
L Finger32 LeftHandRing3 R Finger32 RightHandRing3
L Finger3Nub LeftHandRingNub R Finger3Nub RightHandRingNub
L Finger42 LeftHandPinky1 R Finger42 RightHandPinky1
L Finger41 LeftHandPinky2 R Finger41 RightHandPinky2
L Finger4 LeftHandPinky3 R Finger4 RightHandPinky3
L Finger4Nub LeftHandPinkyNub R Finger4Nub RightHandPinkyNub

Character Mesh

Anima does not support importing characters that use multiple meshes, the skin must be composed of a single object (it doesn’t need to be watertight). If you have a character with multiple parts you will need to combine them into a single mesh or poly object and re-skin it before exporting to Anima.